Makeover Monday 2019/W35 - PCs to become the smallest gaming platform in 2018

This week’s topic was very interesting to me personally, since I am a big fan of videogames of all kinds, and have been for years. The dataset was provided by Statista, although I did some more digging and went straight to the source, i.e. Newzoo and their Global Games Market Report service, specifically the one from April of 2018. The visualisation to revamp is the one given by Statista, in which they show not only the overall increase in revenue that the gaming industry has seen since 2012, but also how the sector of mobile games has become more and more prominent when compared to PC and console games.


My thoughts on the visualisation:

What works with this chart?

What doesn’t work with this chart?

How can it be improved?


Interactive dashboard

How did I do it?

I learned quite a few technical tips and tricks this week, which I’d like to share both for other newbies like me and for future reference:

  1. I found out labels can be moved freely around a chart. As straightforward as it seems, I just… never tried it!
  2. I learned how to add a “Total” line to a line chart which shows separate groups: the trick is to create a dual axes chart which contains on one side the separated categories, and on the other the total without any distinctions. Find the tutorial here. Just make sure that the two axes have the same scale before hiding one!
  3. I practised more on formatting the entire workbook at once, since I had to recolour all the chart details to match the black background. However, for some reason which I still don’t understand, the zero line of my line chart keeps disappearing in the published dashboard even if it is present when I work on it on my computer. The mystery of technology.
  4. I thought it wasn’t possible to extract an image/PDF from a workbook unless one is using Tableau Desktop, instead I learned that it is possible, simply once it is published on Tableau Public! Even though I had some problems, like the image cutting part of my dashboard for some reason, it is definitely going to be useful in the future.

Final thoughts

I am quite happy with how this week’s results look, even though the picture I posted on Twitter honestly does not do it justice (oh Twitter image compression, how do I hate thee). I ended up loving the black background and the different font (Consolas, which unfortunately does not show on mobile), even if it meant I spent more time on the colour palette than on the actual charts. I really want to hone my graphic design skills and learn how to use colours and shapes to better convey the information I am visualising - I might even have found a book to add to my reading list on this topic. Anyway, Makeover Monday has definitely become one of my favourite activities of the week, and I cannot wait for the next one!