Makeover Monday 2019/W37 - James Patterson Book Checkouts

The dataset for this week was interesting, albeit a bit messy! It contained the records of checkouts of James Patterson books from the Seattle Public Library. The visualisation provided for the makeover, however, was not built on the same data, but on something very similar - Jane Austen novels and their popularity. Oh boy. I had to stare at that chart for many minutes before I actually understood what it was trying to tell me - but that might just be me.


My thoughts on the visualisation:

What works with this chart?

What doesn’t work with this chart?

How can it be improved?


Interactive dashboard

How did I do it?

There is absolutely nothing special going on with this dashboard. I just used the two bottom charts as filters and added a visible title filter applied to all worksheets. It’s the first week of my MSc, so pardon the simplicity! The only new thing that I learned is how to merge a year and month field to create a single date. It can be done with the MAKEDATE(year, month, day) function - in this case the calculated field looked like this:

MAKEDATE([Checkout Year], [Checkout Month], 1)

Final thoughts

I had fun playing with this dataset, it was definitely interesting to see the spikes in book checkouts when a new volume was published and then see them taper off, and the differences between standalone books and series. As a book lover, it made me want to go out and look for similar datasets about my favourite authors! I wish I had more time/strength to clean the dataset before using it: the publisher names were all over the place, with the same publisher being present multiple times under slightly different names, and some books had multiple publication years, as I mentioned above. I am sure all that could have been easily fixed by spending some time with the file on python, but this wasn’t the week for it. See you next time!